Some of these pieces were originally on the 'Red Squirrel Party" Blog, but I thought they might detract a little from the more political polemic there.

So I started this one.

The title, just in case the odd reader may not have fathomed it, is a deliberate mis-spelling. Because those of us who are disabled know very well how the non-disabled are all too prone to "diss" us about what we are (or or sometimes erroneously think we should be) able to do . . .

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

What (Some) People Think

On one of my trawls through the US media (all of which, apart from CNN International appears to have been entirely ignoring them) I came across these comments to an article wondering why they were being ignored:

Bless their hearts, but there's something about watching people with stumps competing in "athletic" events that is simply not aesthetically appealing...

my family could not get over feeling a little ridiculous watching women compete in a sport like weightlifting but there was no softball.

The paralympics is about some of the world's most disabled and disfigured people doing things almost all of us, the spectators, can do better. And we just don't care about that.. . .most disabled and disfigured people are rather unsightly, and we don't want to look at them.
many people want to see what the human body is capable of, at its fittest.
And this from a Brit, alas:

i spend everyday in hospitals and when i come home i dont want to watch disabled people

(I hope that bugger doesn't work at the hospital I attend every few months. Or . . .Rocket Squirrel will be in with the the flamethrower and set fire to his bloody Daily Mail..)

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear . . .

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